About Us
Our Mission Statement
To provide programs that enrich our children’s learning development and strengthens our partnership with families.
All children are regarded as capable, competent, curious and full of potential; guided by children’s interests and staff engagement each day through a co-learning partnership.
To provide peace of mind to our parents by creating a safe place for children to learn, grow and thrive.
To attract and retain employees who care about making a difference in children’s lives.

Our Vision
To strengthen the foundations of learning to all children which promotes their potential growth, development and future learning success.
To provide support and guidance to our families through a co-partnership model that builds a strong foundation within our Child’s View community

Our Values
Quality: To provide an educational learning environment for our children which promotes growth & development while supporting their unique creativity and individuality.
Inclusion: All families are welcomed, reflecting the rich diversity of cultures within our community.
Partnership: Working in Collaboration with our families to ensure their child’s needs are being met through open communication, developing trusting relationships, supportive parent engagement and respect.
Professionalism: Our staff are knowledgeable, caring and compassionate in the work they do with children and families. We believe in lifelong learning.

Our Mandate
To maintain a non-profit, co-operative program which meets the physical, social, intellectual and creative needs for the Infant, Toddler and Pre-School age child. To be licensed under the Child Care & Early Years Act, 2014 of the Ministry of Education and conform to all regulations as set forth by the Ministry while maintaining corporate status under the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations.
All RECE staff are registered with the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE) and are mandated to adhere to and uphold the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.